Gema Opitgun GA02 Cascade 393703
Brand: Gema
Code: 393703
Type: original & non original
393703 Cascade for Gema OptiGun 2-A Automatic powder gun
OptiGun 2-A Automatic powder gun - complete
OptiGun 2-A Automatic powder gun - complete, negative polarity, incl. pos. 1-6 393 568
OptiGun 2-A Automatic powder gun - complete, positive polarity, incl. pos. 1-6 393 576
1 Powder gun body OptiGun 2-A - complete, negative polarity 393 649
Powder gun body OptiGun 2-A - complete, positive polarity 393 657
2 Threaded sleeve - see "Nozzle combinations" spare parts list
3 Flat jet nozzle - see "Nozzle combinations" spare parts list
4 Gun cable - complete, 20 m (65.61 ft), see also "Gun cable" spare parts list 393 827
5 Parts set (not shown), consisting of: 385 670
Cable binder with Velcro closure 303 070
Cylinder screw - M8x50 mm 235 113
Cap screw - M4x5 mm 216 763
Washer - Ø 8.4/20x2 mm 215 880
Quick release coupling - NW5, Ø 6 mm 200 840
6 Cleaning brush - Ø 12 mm (not shown) 389 765
7 Powder hose - Ø 16/11 mm (not shown) 103 012*
8 Rinsing air hose - Ø 6/4 mm (not shown) 103 144*
OptiGun 2-A(X) Spare parts list • 43
OptiGun 2-A Automatic powder gun - gun body
1 OptiGun 2-A shaft - complete, negative polarity (see "Shaft" spare parts list) 393 665
OptiGun 2-A shaft - complete, positive polarity (see "Shaft" spare parts list) 393 673
2 Powder tube - complete 385 182#
3 Powder gun attachment 382 817
4 Clamp sleeve 358 584
5 Hose connection - complete 362 670#
5.1 O-ring for pos. 5 (not shown) 232 670#
# Wearing part
44 • Spare parts list OptiGun 2-A(X)
OptiGun 2-A Automatic powder gun - shaft
1 Cascade - complete, negative polarity 393 703
1 Cascade - complete, positive polarity 393 711
2 Adaptor - complete, incl. pos. 2.4 and 2.5 385 158
2.4 Screw-in nipple - 1/8"a, Ø 6 mm 251 542
2.5 Plug cap - 1/8"a 265 560
3 Adaptor piece - complete, incl. pos. 3.3 385 069
3.3 Pan head screw - M4x6 mm 267 139
4 Shaft (without cascade) 393 681
5 Hollow screw 382 680
6 Gasket 382 698
OptiGun 2-A Automatic powder gun - shaft
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OptiGun 2-A(X) Spare parts list • 45
OptiGun 2-AX Automatic powder gun - complete
OptiGun 2-AX Automatic powder gun - complete, negative polarity, incl. pos. 1-5
OptiGun 2-AX Automatic powder gun - 1650 393 509
OptiGun 2-AX Automatic powder gun - 1450 393 517
OptiGun 2-AX Automatic powder gun - 1250 393 525
OptiGun 2-AX Automatic powder gun - 1050 393 533
OptiGun 2-AX Automatic powder gun - 850 393 541
OptiGun 2-AX Automatic powder gun - 650 393 550
1 OptiGun 2-AX Automatic powder gun body - complete, negative polarity, see "OptiGun
2-AX Automatic powder gun - gun body" spare parts list
2 Threaded sleeve - see "Nozzle combinations" spare parts list 379 166
3 Flat jet nozzle - complete, see "Nozzle combinations" spare parts list
4 Gun cable - complete, 20 m (65.61 ft), see also "Gun cable" spare parts list 393 827
5 Parts set (not shown), consisting of: 385 662
Cable binder with Velcro closure 303 070
Pan head screw - M4x6 mm 267 139
Quick release coupling - NW5, Ø 6 mm 200 840
6 Powder hose - Ø 16/11 mm (not shown) 103 012*
7 Rinsing air hose - Ø 6/4 mm (not shown) 103 144*
* Please indicate length
46 • Spare parts list OptiGun 2-A(X)
OptiGun 2-AX Automatic powder gun - gun body
Powder gun body OptiGun 2-AX - complete, negative polarity
OptiGun 2-AX - 1650, L = 1646 mm (64.80 in) 393 584
OptiGun 2-AX - 1450, L = 1446 mm (56.93 in) 393 592
OptiGun 2-AX - 1250, L = 1246 mm (49.05 in) 393 606
OptiGun 2-AX - 1050, L = 1046 mm (41.18 in) 393 614
OptiGun 2-AX - 850, L = 846 mm (33.30 in) 393 622
OptiGun 2-AX - 650, L = 646 mm (25.43 in) 393 630
1 OptiGun 2-A shaft - complete, negative polarity (see spare parts list "Shaft") 393 665
2 Powder tube - complete, without pos. 4
OptiGun 2-AX - 1650 385 255#
OptiGun 2-AX - 1450 385 344#
OptiGun 2-AX - 1250 385 352#
OptiGun 2-AX - 1050 385 360#
OptiGun 2-AX - 850 385 379#
OptiGun 2-AX - 650 385 387#
3 Extension tube
OptiGun 2-AX - 1650 384 682
OptiGun 2-AX - 1450 385 441
OptiGun 2-AX - 1250 385 450
OptiGun 2-AX - 1050 385 468
OptiGun 2-AX - 850 385 476
OptiGun 2-AX - 650 385 484
4 Clamping part 358 584
5 Hose connection - complete 362 670#
5.1 O-ring for pos. 5 (not shown) 232 670#
OptiGun 2-AX Automatic powder gun - gun body
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OptiGun 2-A(X) Spare parts list • 47
Gun cable
Gun cable - complete, 11 m (36.09 ft) 393 800
Gun cable - complete, 15 m (49.21 ft) 393 819
Gun cable - complete, 20 m (65.61 ft) 393 827
Extension cable - complete, 5 m (16.40 ft) 334 464
Extension cable - complete, 10 m (32.80 ft) 394 840
Cable socket for extension cable 206 504
Cable plug for extension cable 200 085
9 Cover tube 360 317
11 Countersunk head screw - M2x4 mm 257 958
12 Cylinder screw - M5x6 mm 263 907
13 O-ring - Ø 10.82x1.78 mm 232 556
14 O-ring - Ø 7.65x1.78 mm 232 564
15 O-ring - Ø 8.1x1.6 mm 263 818
21 Stuffing box - PG7 with kink protection 208 426
22 Cable - 2x0.75 mm², shielded 103 454*
23 Connecting plug - 7-pin 200 085
* Please indicate length
Gun cable (complete)
48 • Spare parts list OptiGun 2-A(X)
Nozzle combinations - NF08
Nozzle set - flat jet, NF08, pos. 1, 2 1000 047#
Nozzle set - round jet, pos. 5, 6, 9 382 922
1 Electrode holder (flat jet nozzle) 1000 055##
2 Flat jet nozzle 1000 049##
3 Threaded sleeve 379 166
5 O-ring - Ø 5x1 mm 231 606#
6 Round jet nozzle 378 518#
7 Deflector plate - Ø 16 mm (0.63 in) 331 341#
7.1 Deflector plate - Ø 24 mm (0.94 in) 331 333#
7.2 Deflector plate - Ø 32 mm (1.26 in) 331 325#
8 Extension - 150 mm (5.91 in) 378 852#
8.1 Extension - 300 mm (11.82 in) 378 860#
9 Electrode holder, incl. pos. 5 (round jet central electrode) 382 914#
# Wearing part
Further nozzle versions are described in the "System overview"
spare parts list!
OptiGun 2-A(X) Automatic powder gun - nozzle combination
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OptiGun 2-A(X) Spare parts list • 49
Nozzle combinations - NF18-M
Nozzle set - flat jet, NF18-M, pos. 1, 2 1004 530#
1 Electrode holder (flat jet nozzle) 1004 529#
2 Flat jet nozzle 1004 527#
3 Threaded sleeve 379 166
# Wearing part
OptiGun 2-A(X) Automatic powder gun - nozzle combination
Spare parts list OptiGun 2-A(X)
Nozzle combinations - NS03
Round jet nozzle with 4 electrodes NS03-09 - complete, pos. 1, 2, 3 1000 249#
Round jet nozzle with 4 electrodes NS03-11 - complete, pos. 1, 2.1, 3.1 1000 250#
1 Threaded sleeve - complete 405 736
2 Muzzle NS03-09 - complete 1000 175##
2.1 Muzzle NS03-11 - complete 1000 176##
3 Deflector rod NS03-09 - complete 1000 345#
3.1 Deflector rod NS03-11 - complete 1000 346#
4 Deflector plate - Ø 12 mm (not shown) 301 175#
4.1 Deflector plate - Ø 16 mm (not shown) 302 040#
4.2 Deflector plate - Ø 20 mm (not shown) 301 183#
4.3 Deflector plate - Ø 24 mm (not shown) 301 191#
4.1 Deflector plate - Ø 28 mm (not shown) 302 031#
4.4 Deflector plate - Ø 32 mm (not shown) 301 205#
4.5 Deflector plate - Ø 50 mm (not shown) 302 023#
# Wearing part
OptiGun 2-A(X) Automatic powder gun - nozzle combination
OptiGun 2-A(X) Spare parts list • 51
OptiGun 2-A(X) Automatic powder gun - SuperCorona
SuperCorona - complete, retrofit set, L=215 mm 385 174#
Version with extension 150 mm - L=365 mm 394 254#
Version with extension 300 mm - L=515 mm 394 289#
1 SuperCorona-Ring - complete, retrofit set 391 980#
SuperCorona-Ring - complete, for version with extension 150 mm 394 173#
SuperCorona-Ring - complete, for version with extension 300 mm 394 203#
5 Special screw 391 921
6 Cowl 384 372
6.1 Plug cap - complete (for pos. 6, not shown) 1001 037
7 Compression spring - 0.4x2x10.9 mm 245 330
OptiGun 2-A(X) - system overview
1 OptiGun 2-AX Automatic powder gun
2 OptiGun 2-A Automatic powder gun - complete, with flat jet nozzle set, gun cable
(20 m), parts set, cleaning brush, without SuperCorona, negative polarity
393 568
OptiGun 2-A Automatic powder gun - complete, with flat jet nozzle set, gun cable
(20 m), parts set, cleaning brush, without SuperCorona, positive polarity
393 576
3 SuperCorona - complete 385 174
Nozzle set - round jet nozzle (pos. 4 and 5) 382 922
4 Electrode holder (round jet nozzle central electrode) 382 914#
5 Round jet nozzle 378 518#
6 Threaded sleeve 379 166
Nozzle set - flat jet nozzle (pos. 7 and 8) 1000 047#
7 Electrode holder (flat jet nozzle) 1000 055#
8 Flat jet nozzle - NF08 1000 049#
9 Flat jet nozzle - NF04 (slot in round form) 383 082#
10 Flat jet nozzle - NF02 (without slot) 384 887#
11 Flat jet nozzle - NF03 (nozzle front part Ø 24 mm) 383 058#
12 Threaded sleeve for pos. 11 383 074
13 Deflector plate - Ø 16 mm (0.63 in) 331 341#
14 Deflector plate - Ø 24 mm (0.94 in) 331 333#
15 Deflector plate - Ø 32 mm (1.26 in) 331 325#
16 Deflector plate - Ø 50 mm (1.97 in) 345 822#
18 Extension - 150 mm (5.91 in) 378 852#
19 Extension - 300 mm (11.82 in) 378 860#
20 Angle nozzle - PA01-45° - complete (incl. round jet nozzle with deflector Ø 24 mm) 390 232
21 Angle nozzle - PA01-60° - complete (incl. round jet nozzle with deflector Ø 24 mm) 383 724
22 Angle nozzle - PA01-90° - complete (incl. round jet nozzle with deflector Ø 24 mm) 383 520